Risk Assessment

Major risks of buying, leasing, or subscribing to Google Analytics
One risk associated with Google Analytics is determining which version is best for your organization, the standard (free) version or Google Analytics 360 Suite. Google Analytics 360 Suite starts at $150,000 per year; this could be a substantial investment for some companies (Blast, n.d.). The main differences include higher data limits and more platform integrations with the 360 Suite. Another risk when buying, leasing, or subscribing to Google Analytics is security vulnerabilities associated with the system. This will be discussed in detail below.
It is interesting to note that U.S. Department of Homeland Security uses Google Analytics for viewing and analyzing traffic to the public websites. To avoid risk and protect privacy the Department of Homeland Security will not allow sharing of Google Analytics data with any of the Google products. This decision to opt-out means that the information is not shared with any Google products (such as AdWords, AdSense). This is set within the Google Analytics Settings Edit Account and Data Sharing Settings’” (McShea, 2011).  The full report is available at:

Major risks of buying, leasing, or subscribing to Google AdWords
There are risks associated buying, leasing, subscribing, and using Google Adwords. Money is at stake; therefore, organizations are urged to be careful when setting up campaign budgets and selecting keywords. Another risk is fraudulent clicks. According to Google, fraudulent or invalid clicks are illegitimate, such as unintentional clicks or clicks resulting from malicious software. Each click on an AdWords ad is examined by our system, and Google has sophisticated systems to identify invalid clicks and impressions and remove them from your account data” (AdWords Help, n.d.). Though Google has a system in place to detect and avoid fraudulent and/or invalid clicks, some still get through the cracks and these invalid clicks can cost companies money.

Additionally, there are other reasons that companies choose not to use Google AdWords. According to John Rampton, there are five reasons that organizations should not use AdWords:
1.     You pay for clicks regardless if a sale was made or not
2.     It is difficult to compete with big companies
3.     Google limits the number of characters, meaning using AdWords successfully can be tricky
4.     Mistakes can cost companies dearly
5.     It might not fit your niche. In other words, just because your company is working with Google, the largest search engine in the world, does not mean your audience will be able to find you (Rampton, 2014).
Privacy Concerns Regarding Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a tool that uses data to create statistical information for use in algorithms for better search engine optimization.  In doing so, Google obtains a great deal of information that falls under privacy conditions, however there is always the potential for malicious acts with that data.  Google is required to keep data for 25 months for any particular website (Stefanski, 2013).  This means that a marketer is agreeing for that data to be held during that time.  The Register describes a scenario where Google Analytics could become a security risk due to the ease of control of urchin.js.  This could allow one to steal session cookies or sniff data among other methods of attack putting the information at risk (Goodin, 2008).  A blog by Privacy Choice suggests there are concerns regarding the privacy of Google Analytics as well.  Google and its subsidiaries may use the information that is gathered, and while it cannot disclose the targeting information to advertisers, they can still use information to target ads (Privacy Choice, 2009).

Privacy Concerns Regarding Google AdWords
AdWords has a few options that strive to provide security.  Through ad settings”, it provides visibility and control, opt-out options, and education within ads (Google, n.d.).  It also provides guidelines for keeping an AdWords account secure through by providing several suggestions including reporting unauthorized AdWords activity, protecting your computer from malware, updating the account password, enabling 2 step verification, and providing users with specific service levels (Google, n.d.).  Through these tools, and others listed on the AdWords help page, there is a reasonable expectation of privacy within an account.  One concern that is stated by Google is to be aware of malicious emails or calls claiming to be from AdWords that could compromise privacy and security (Google, n.d.).

Potential Security Issues
There are high security risks at Google Analytics regarding third-party JavaScript. Widgets that are used by Google Analytics do represent a threat, especially has a high-profile target. The reason it could happen to Google is due to the service grants unscrupulous employees that have access to administrative pages. Google Analytics call up a JavaScript file that is hosted by Google called urchin.js. This is used to steal session cookies and manipulate data.
There are also security risks in LarsLofgren.com that can give a user a code for the homepage they want to destroy. In finding the property ID, using this code in any other site will corrupt the code and never allow the primary user to use it again. In using filters and settings, Google Analytics profiles can become hacker proof.
Google Adwords back in 2015 was hijacked by malvertisers, where it redirected users to sites that hosted poisoned ads without visitors having to even click on them. Reasoning for issues like this to happen can be the way online advertising firms used mined data to target ads towards relevant customers. Infected ads are convincing looking with articles that contain fake comments and endorsements.
In preventing risks with Google Adwords, checking for unauthorized changes is important. Check regularly to view if changes are placed in the budget or statements. Scanning a computer for malware and enabling certain verification security keys will help prevent security risks to attack Google.

Risks in Relation to the Estimated Benefits
While there are great benefits to using Google AdWords and Google Analytics, if not used properly, there can be risk associated with these systems. While Google Adwords has the value of drawing traffic to a users site, if not utilized properly this traffic can have a negative effect. According to linkedin.com, if AdWords is used without a strong negative keywords list, your ads will appear for browsers who are not interested in your site. While this may not appear to be a pressing issue, it can have the negative effect of skewing revenue generating click numbers. In this case, it is fairly easy for a user to lose money through the AdWords app.
Google Analytics is unique in its structure in that it is relatively low risk. Due to Google comprising the infrastructure, and providing the coding, it is hard for the analytics to be useful to anyone outside of the company using the app. However, there is still risk if this information is accessed by the wrong people. As was demonstrated in the Dan Merica article titled Fired Sanders Aide: I Wasn’t Peeking at Clinton Files”, sensitive information can be used against a company, even if all the data is indecipherable. This would be a potential risk of using the Google Analytics application.
Google Analytics and Google AdWords at IVK
IVK like any other company would have to face risks when implementing any new system. A certain set of procedures need to be followed that will help in mitigating risks. Google AdWords takes some precautionary measures to reduce potential threats. Some steps need to be taken to reduce risks such as building up a very strong negative keyword list. Because it lets only those people that are searching for a companys ads and services click those ads. People that are not searching wouldn’t come across those ads and services. This reduces the risk of potential costs arising from non-revenue generating clicks. This in turn reduces the risk of click fraud by focusing only on those who are interested in a companys products and services.
Google AdWords is very efficient as compared to other advertising platforms when it comes to detecting fraud clicks because it doesn’t require an expert to be managing it. Instead, anyone with some level of competence with this platform can manage it efficiently and effectively. Focusing attention on people who are searching for a companys products and services is what businesses need to do. IVK could effectively implement this marketing strategy for its product offering. However, security concerns remain for customers and customers need to protect themselves from fraudulent pay per clicks and external attacks. Every system and technology are prone to threats; however, risk reduction efforts could result in better systems management and effective business outcomes. In this case, for IVK minimizing risks of implementing this system would result in better marketing strategy. This would help IVK improve its business objectives and meet its organizational goals.
Google analytics in particular have concerns in getting optimum results and can cause waste of resources like time, effort and most importantly sends flags to the market about performance. Most of the issues in getting incorrect analysis are due to reporting and conversions and these can be categorized into 5 different sections -
·       Directional
·       Data collection
·       Data integration
·       Data interpretation
·       Data reporting
IVK has similar issues with the IR project in terms of communication, team play and integrating services within and outside the department. The skills that make Ivan an irreplaceable asset at IVK is what Barton should aim from his employees. Risks are inevitable in any organization but as Maggie mentions in the book, IT can leverage these risks by simulating and testing them. Any organization should not clip its innovation based on risk management, instead provide a safe and controlled platform to make mistakes that might cost money rather than making unexpected mistakes that might end up taking much more resources and time.


Source: (Gallagher, 2016), retrieved from emarketers.com and data from 2014-2018 are projections)

The above graph shows the transition of advertising from TV to all kinds of digital media and therefore many database management approaches can be utilized to maintain the privacy of the customer and Google is leading in their risk management and constantly innovating and integrating services into their model for a better risk free data management and advertisement.
URL - www.corporatezen.com/what-we-do-website-development-company/google-analytics-adwords/ 
References -
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Goodin, D. (2008, November 22). Google Analytics? Yes, it is a security risk. The Register UK. Retrieved from http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/11/22/google_analytics_as_security_risk/

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